How To Flip Real Estate No Money Down, No Credit, on AUTO PILOT!
How To Flip Real Estate No Money Down, No Credit, on AUTO PILOT! Free book offer. Discover my Proven secrets to finding , funding, and flipping real estate deals anywhere around the country using none of your own money or credit, all on auto pilot!

Calling All Aspiring Entrepreneurs
If you are an aspiring entrepreneur, you’re probably thinking about when you should make the leap to become an entrepreneur… should you do it now? Tomorrow? A year from now? In this blog post you’ll read about the worst – and best – time to become an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship: I believe it defines The American […]
7 Ways To Find Time To Get Started Now
How can you make time to get started flipping houses this month? We know that house flipping can be a very attractive way to upgrade our finances, free up more time, and find more enjoyment and satisfaction in our work. Yet, many are struggling to find the time to just get started. Some have been […]
5 Red Flags When Analyzing Your Next Deal
Some red flags to retail buyers are blessings for real estate investors. The kitchen is outdated. The roof needs to be replaced. There seems to be a plumbing issue. These are all red flags that a normal retail buyer might shy away from simply because they don’t want to deal with it. Most want a […]
Put Your Fear in Check and Overcome It!
My biggest fear, is fear itself. Fear can cripple you, it can paralyze you. Fear can keep you glued to one spot fearful to take a step forward in any direction. Fear can also be a good thing though! How can something so paralyzing be good for me, especially when you have butterflies in your […]
Build Systems, Create Processes
Business systems can help you build massive value in your business. These are a group of documented procedures and processes that allow your business to run without you. Often referred to as an operations manual, its purpose is to capture the collective “know how” of the business. Let’s take a look at and use the […]