Motion Creates Emotion
Have you ever found yourself sleeping in late, your head is buried in the pillow, your blanket is pulled all the way up to your chin, you’re staring at the ceiling and you just can’t find the motivation to get up and get moving? Once you throw the covers off, swing your legs to the side of the bed, stand up, walk to the bathroom to brush your teeth and wash your face, you have a new energy for your day! That’s all it takes, just one step at a time. Suddenly you’re not so tired anymore and you start thinking of all the things in your day that you’re going to get done once you get moving. That’s because getting moving in a productive direction gets you excited about the tasks you are about to complete. The inevitable anxiety of putting things off and not getting things done fades away. The physical action that your body has started, creates an emotional tie that your mind embraces and now the subconscious becomes a conscious activity.
Progress is good. Progress and hard work are hardwired into our humanity. If something is truly worth having, it is truly worth working hard to obtain, and in this regard we see our mind’s desire start to manifest itself in the physical world. If people didn’t have the desire to progress and advance themselves as a species, we would still be living in the stone ages. At some point that caveman had to wake up and first think about a tool he needed to create in order make his life easier, and he or she had to make it a reality. The end result was something that went from the intangible to the tangible. Action is always better than inaction, and it is usually more profitable too. To do, or not to do, to try or not to try; that is the question and I challenge you to do, and to try. If you don’t do either you will never truly get excited about anything. When your mind feels well your body will feel well. Your mind stays running at full capacity when you keep it uncluttered and free from unfinished thought processes and projects. I do some of my best brainstorming at night in bed and because of that I keep a pen and a pad on my nightstand. Whenever a grand idea enters my head I turn the light on and write it down, then I feel good about it because I have taken action and didn’t let that thought fade away. By the next morning if it is something that required my immediate attention, I start working on it. Why put off until tomorrow what you can get done today? There is no time better than the present. These adages are time-tested, tried, and true. Taking action immediately forces you to become involved, it forces your mindset to be one in which it does not except procrastination. I’ve never heard of anyone winning a race by procrastinating at the starting line. The race is usually won by the person who started first and endures the longest, the runner whose motion carried them through to completion.
One of the more famous laws of physics, Newton’s law of motion states; every object in a state of uniform motion will remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it. In applying this to yourself, do not let the external force be your inability to take action and move. Give yourself every fighting chance you got, working with the tools that you’ve mastered over your lifetime, your hands, your feet, your arms and legs, your mind. Get moving, do something, feel great about it, get excited.
This may seem somewhat like common sense but you’d be amazed how many people don’t get it. You’d be amazed to know how many inventions are lying in the grave or never made it out of the dream phase. Dream without action is simply a fantasy and has no basis in reality no matter how good your intention. Be a doer not a talker, don’t talk yourself out of a good thing. I’ve heard it said before that we as people are our own worst enemy. I challenge you to be your own best friend. Trust in yourself, trust in your ability to learn. Do you know that most successful people in the world only succeeded after a series of miserable failures? People like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Martha Stuart, and Oprah Winfrey, to name a few, failed many times at many different things before they made it big. And boy have they made it big, I’m sure you’ve heard of all these people before, and I’m sure in some way or another your life has been affected by something they have built, done, or said. So don’t give up, ever, it’s not even an option, and never accept it as one. Just remember that every “No” you hear, each failure that you experience, brings you that much closer to a “Yes”, closer to a success. It’s simply a numbers game, it’s the law of average. One common trait that you will find amongst all star athletes is that they never give up. They are constantly trying to better themselves. They are always honing their skills and practicing more than the next guy or gal. They don’t want to lose. They are always trekking forward and pushing the limits of their minds, bodies, and souls.
You must be this way! You must challenge yourself the same way. It may take some practice at first but this is not your normal everyday way of being. Get used to being productive. Get used to accepting a greater challenge for yourself. Tell yourself right now out loud, you can do this! You can be a successful real estate investor! This is not someone else’s dream, this is your dream! Financial freedom is within reach and the life you always wanted is right around the corner. Get excited about your own life!